Cbr Testing Machine


  • Loading Capacity: 50 kN
  • Speed Control by Servo Motor / AC Motor
  • Power Supply: 220 – 240 V / 50 or 60 Hz (110 V / 60 Hz is also available)

Peak Test is one of the well-known CBR Testing Machine Manufacturers using modern technologies and top-grade materials. For trouble-free CBR test, we use features like a low wear high precision gearbox which is driven by a powerful motor, and precision guidance for moving platen. Our machine has the capability to determine the relative bearing ratio and expansion characteristics under the surcharge weight of the base, sub-base, and subgrade soils to construct roads, pavements, and runways. The team at Peak Test consists of experienced engineers and trained professionals who work hard to manufacture, supply, distribute and export only the high-precision tensile testing machine.

What is CBR Test?

CBR is the acronym for California Bearing Ratio. It is a type of test that is done to evaluate the subgrade strength of pavements and roads. The results provided by the test are used with cures for determining the thickness of pavement and its component layers. The CBR value will be higher if the material is hard. In fact, the harder the materials, the higher the value. Clay has a CBR value of 2% whereas high-quality sub-base has CBR values between 80% and 100%.  Some may come with the 10% of CBR values. The CBR test is incorporated extensively in controlling sub-grades and the selection of materials.

CBR Testing Machine Manufactured by CBR Testing

The CBR Testing machine made by Peak Test comes equipped with advanced features and a robust body. The machine performs the test by measuring the pressure necessary for penetrating a soil sample with a plunger of standard area. Then, experts divide the measured pressure required for achieving an equal penetration on a standard crushed rock material.

Our machine has a touch screen data acquisition system that helps in performing tests and displaying the CBR index automatically upon finishing the test. It can automatically perform tests and stop after the test is completed. The touch display shows the loading versus penetration in a real-time graph when the test is conducted. The PC software-based data acquisition control generates a real-time graphical view for the sample.

Being one of the top CBR Testing Machine Manufacturers, we supply machines that are corrosion-free, long-lasting, easy to operate, smooth operation, no human intervention, reasonably priced, and require less maintenance. Get in touch if you are searching for the best CBR Testing Machine manufacturer to perform the tests easily. Our digital machine that can be connected to a computer performs the tests and monitoring using the advanced and powerful software program which is integrated with the machine.